Thursday, June 05, 2003

AkkkkÖ What a week. I got woken up today by Hydro asking for money or theyíd shut me off. Itís a good thing I didnít have enough for the rent, or I couldnít have paid them. Itís a problem. I donít think getting a regular job is an option. Itís not all that bleak though, I guess. I received two offers for commissioned work today. One is a bunch of guitar playing. I miss that. The other may be fun but will be a lot of work for not a whole bunch of money, and it will take longer to get paid than it takes to Ö actually, I canít think of anything that takes that long.

I had a conversation the other day with a friend. We have been discussing re-writing another script of his. It takes quite a bit of work to pull off a good story. We approach the whole idea slowly. Writing is an immersion thing for us. We agreed to do it some time ago, and are slowly warming up to it. I wonder when Iíll get paid for THAT one. Sigh.

"Iíll just throw back my legs and pollute my britches with delight. Montgomery Burns


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