Thursday, May 08, 2003

All told the gun registry has now spent over a billion dollars (thatís $1,000,000,000 for you Englanders) in an attempt to register all the guns in Canada. I should feel safer now, but I donít. I now live in terrible fear. Not because I think the neighbor has an unregistered gun, but because my government can waste a billion dollars and no one is accountable.

Gun Control or another make-work tax swindle?

Iíll tell you now, if I had guns I would not register them. For one ...there is no proof that registering or otherwise controlling guns leads to a decrease in gun related deaths. In fact the incidence of violent crime seems to RISE in a largely unarmed populace. Check the statistics in Quebec, where there are few guns, and compare this with those from gun-soaked Vermont, or New Hampshire. Of course, it could be just because they are French.

In Australia and England registration led to confiscation. The violent crime rate in these countries is high and growing. Switzerland has the lowest violent crime rate in the world, and EVERY HOUSE HAS A GUN and the citizens are trained in their use. Itís probably not a good country for home invasions like ours is.

The claim that 4223 "children" die because of guns every year is not quite a lie, but is certainly misleading. Out of that number, 3593 of those "kids" were between 15 and 20. If we compare that percentage of the population with the figures from, oh say 1944, (how many young people died in W.W.II?) the "child victims of gun violence" numbers must certainly be on the wane. Oh... and how many of those "children" were shot committing a crime? Lots.

So far the gun registry has cost Ottawa 1 billion dollars. A grand total of a little over 4 million guns have been registered. Well actually only 3 million, because 270,000 were already on the books, they double registered another 200,000+ and another three-quarters of a million are registered without a serial number. Ok out with the calculatorÖ Iím just guessing here, but I think this could be done for less. Thatís $500 per gun properly registered, and thatís just the startup cost. They say it will cost 75 million a year to maintain. How many guns are out there unregistered? How many will remain that way? How many guns do the criminals have? Will we ever know? I think not.

There is not much information on how many more guns have been registered. LUFA claims there are four million gun owners in Canada, and 16.5 - 20 million guns. The registry has an 80% non-compliance rate.

All of this to prevent violent crime. The government says itís working, but seems to have no figures to back that claim. The Department of Justice has kept no records and has done no audits to assess whether the registry is doing ANYTHING for all this money.

Most of those in the know say the final setup cost will be 1.5 billion. We all know the real costs will be even higher, as these costs do not include court time or enforcement. Holy crap, huh?

Sorry about the rant, but it's been one of those days.


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